Official web-site of Department of Infectious Diseases

Dnipro State Medical University (DSMU)  

 The history of the department of infectious diseases begins since 1927 year, when the teaching of infectious diseases as a separate subject was begun in Dnepropetrovsk State medical academy by professor M.B. Stanishevskaya (Department of Infectious Diseases, Dnipro State Medical University (after renaming the institution).

In 1937 year the department was headed by the follower of M.B. Stanishevskaya, her deserved follower, E.G. Popkova. In 1950 the professor І.І. Levin concurrently headed the department of infectious diseases and created the department of infectious diseases of children’s age. Since 1952 year there were two separate subdivisions in Dnepropetrovsk medical institute: department of pediatric infectious diseases headed by professor E.G. Popkova and department of infectious diseases headed by professor І.І.Levin. For more than five decades the departments were performing active scientific, pedagogical and therapeutic activity. During different years the chiefs of the departmentwere such leading scientists as professor А.І. Tripols’ka (1957 - 1978 yy.), professor V.І. Bychkova, (1978 - 1986 yy.), docent G.V. Levina (1956-1968 yy.), docent І.V. Shtyrjov(1968 -1979 yy.), professor N.V. Belyaeva (1979-1994 yy.), professor L.R. Shostakovich-Koretskaya ( 1994-2008 yy.), docent M.S. Suremenko (1986 - 2008 yy.). In 2008 yearthe chief of the reunited department of infectious diseases and pediatric infectious diseases became professor L.R. Shostakovich-Koretskaya.

The staff of the department has a rich experience in international collaboration with medical scientific associations of Europe and USA.

The department participating in the congresses and conferences on oral and poster presentations, which were held in different years in the CIS and Europe. As part of the scientific grant of the American Foundation for Civil Research and Development (CRDF) in cooperation with American colleagues performed fundamental research on genetic factors responsible for the resistance of T-cells to HIV in terms of vertical transmission from mother to child.

We celebrate the 100th anniversary of Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health in 2016, we are trying to keep up with the times, remember the luminaries of medicine and our academy, we honor the traditions of the department and do not forget our veterans, we are preparing to meet adequately the 95th anniversary of the Department of Infectious disease in 2021. 

At the department the following subjects for the students of ІV, V, VI years are taught: 1) infectious diseases;  2) pediatric infectious diseases; 3) Actual problems of HIV infection.

The post-diploma education of the subjects of infectious diseases and pediatric infectious diseases: 

1) internship in infectious diseases, pediatric infectious diseases and family medicine;

 2) clinical ordinature;

 3) magistry;

 4) PhD.

 Due to its fruitful work the department is one of the leading scientific collectives in Ukraine in the subject of infectious diseases and close directions: allergology, immunology, pulmonology, gastroenterology. The staff of the department has a rich experience in international collaboration with medical scientific associations of Europe and USA. Since 2006 year a scientific grant in collaboration with scientists of USA on the problems of HIV/AIDS genetics is being performed at the department.

  The main scientific directions of the department’s work are the following:

-         Investigation of the clinics, pathogenesis, diagnostics and therapy particularities of viral hepatitis in patients with concurrent toxic damage of the liver, including drug-addiction;

-         Evaluation of the immunologic and genetic mechanisms of forming of infection-induced pathology in children and adolescents;

-         Study of different aspects of perinatal and acquired HIV infection.


Department of Infectious Diseases, Dnipro State Medical University